Wednesday 2 March 2016

Album cover location ideas

These locations are all in the village I live in so they are easy to get to and they all would fit the style of the front cover. I have chosen Mill Lane as it does not have a road but instead has more of a path/track which makes it look more like it is in the countryside. In the lighting it will be taken in you will be able to see the sky as it is on Google maps which will make it easier to edit. As it is only early March the trees will be bare however i do not think this will change the meaning of the image. I have chosen a location like this as the trees on one side essentially trap the people that will be edited into the cover and the bareness may symbolise the state of the relationship. The open field with the natural lighting on the other side will symbolise the freedom that they would have and wish they had if they were not stood together on the other,darker side. The countryside setting allows for this and also matches the theme of the song and the conventions of the original album cover by Kodaline.

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