Wednesday 2 March 2016

Album cover drafts

Draft 1: The first draft of the album cover uses images from google and the real bands name. One side is dark to represent the lack of freedom and happiness when they are together whereas the other side is light to represent the opposite for when they are not together. They are at a field as this keeps with the theme of the real Kodaline album cover for the album which this song is a part of. In the future drafts the location will be and original photograph and the bands name will be different. I have decided to use the fake name four swords as all of the members of the band grew up in Swords, Dublin and there is already a band called Swords for the same reason. I added the four at the beginning to make it unique.

Draft 2:  This is the second draft of the album cover for all comes down. I have changed the bands name to the fake name and have changed a lighting error at the bottom to make it look more realistic.

Draft 3: This third draft uses an original photo so that the location looks more realistic. The picture is of a better quality and has been edited to give the same message as other drafts.

Draft 4: This fourth draft has a lighting adjustment to make the bottom left corner darker as this will portray the message better. I have also used the sponge tool to make the left side of the picture less colourful for the same reason.

Draft 5: This draft will be one of the final drafts and any further ones will be minor adjustments. I have fixed a colour problem caused by the lighting adjustments on the left so the colouring is less pink. I have also added shadows the the people to make it more realistic and have used the sponge tool to remove more colour from the left.

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