Tuesday 24 November 2015


statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it.
"the demographics of book buyers"

Source: https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=strict&site=&source=hp&q=define+demogrpahics&oq=define+demogrpahics&gs_l=hp.3...1007.4698.0.4977.

From a media perspective this means that depending on different factors e.g. social class (as demonstrated by the table below) and gender the population may be more likely to receive certain media texts because of the group that they are in.

It is important to understand demographics when producing a product as it can help to understand what to include in the product to make it appeal to the target audience for the product. The choices the institution makes can change the appeal to different audiences and the meaning of the product e.g. the casting for the music video must be relatable to the target audience otherwise it will not appeal to them as much and the impact of the song will change. How it is marketed is also important e.g. If the target audience is a younger age group then marketing on social media might work well but if the target audience is and older age group then advertisements on radio stations that this age group listen to may be more effective.

The industry currently appeals to the demographic of the genre of music I am exploring as they recognise that the audience for this genre is mostly from teenagers up to the age of around mid -30's. This means that the music is sold as downloads which would appeal more to the younger audience and as CD's and even Vinyl which may appeal more to the older end of the target audience. It is sold both online and in shops helping it to reach the target audience easier and the artists (In their 20's) are relatable to both ends of the target audience. They go on tours which can be attended by all ages in the target audience and also have a YouTube channel so the audience (the younger end mostly) has access to the music videos for any songs they produce. The artists use television adverts which reach the entire target audience and have merchandise which can be bought online from their own websites and in shops which will help them reach all ages of their target audience. The media represent this genre as caring more about the music than the fame they get from it. They are represented as more down to earth artists than those in other genres such as Pop, which would appeal to their target audience as it makes them more relatable.

For the social demographic A they would be more likely to listen to classical music. This may be because it is music that is stereotypically associated with their social status and therefore they will conform to this stereotype and listen to this kind of music. 
They may also listen to radio stations such as BBC radio 3 which plays classical and serious music.
The ideology behind this product is sophistication which would appeal to the target audience in social demographic A as they can relate to this being from the middle class of society.

For social demographic B they may listen to more diverse music. As it covers people in positions such as teachers and media workers they will be exposed to more areas of music and so will have a larger range of music to listen to. They may listen to slightly older mainstream music or current mainstream music e.g. Top 40

For social demographic C1 they might be likely to again listen to different areas of music. Like social demographic B they would be exposed to a wide range of people die to jobs such as being a nurse. This may mean that they listen to whatever music is on in the hospital or for office staff whatever music is on in the office.This music is likely to be from a mainstream radio station such as BBC radio 2 (The most listened to radio station in the uk) which plays more adult orientated pop music both classic and current. This means that they are exposed to this kind of music and may continue to listen to it outside of work or at home.

For social demographic groups C2 and D they will again listen to music that plays in the workplace. However because their positions are manual work they are most likely to be working class which means that they are most likely to listen to radio stations such as BBC radio 1 and Capital FM. These radio stations play more youth orientated pop and hit music.
However they may also listen to stations such as BBC radio 2.

For social demographic E they may be more likely to listen to many areas of music. As this area covers people from students to pensioners the type of music they will listen will vary. Students are more likely to listen to popular music (top 40) or more alternative genres. This may be because the type of music a person listens to can be a part of their identity and so this age group may listen to different types as they try to find a genre that they like. Pensioners however are more likely to listen to music from when they were younger. This group will cover a lot larger area of music genre.

Different genders would be more likely to listen to different kinds of music. 

Source: http://static.echonest.com/charts/gender_specific_top_40/
As this chart shows there are more rap and rock genred artists in the male top artists than on the female top artists whereas there are more pop genred artists on the female top artists than on the male top artists. This is also shown in the audience for Capital FM which plays the UK top 40 mostly.

People of different ages are likely to listen to different genres of music. For example those in higher demographics such as A and B are likely to be older and will more likely listen to older music or older artists from when they were a bit younger. People who fall into demographic E are likely to be students and as the main consumers of radio stations such as  Capital fm this age group are more likely to consume pop music or other music from the top 40.
 People from different educational backgrounds may listen to different genres of music. Those who have had a private education may fall into demographic A which means that they may be more likely to listen to the music described above (Classical music) Those who have had a state education may be more likely to listen to mainstream pop or alternative genres as they would most likely fall into lower demographic groups making them more likely to listen to the music described for those groups above.

People in different subcultures would have different tastes in music genre as their social groups would listen to different genres of music. Those in demographic group A would be in different social and cultural situations where they would be more likely to be exposed to classical music whereas people in the other demographic groups would be in social and cultural situations where they are exposed to more mainstream music genres e.g. for students in demographic E they would be exposed to music at college and university.

Geographic location:
People from different geographic locations with different lifestyles may listen to different genres of music. An example of this may be that people from areas of England such as Chelsea would be more likely to have lifestyles that listen to genres more associated with the higher demographic groups whereas people from areas such as Yorkshire would have lifestyles that would make them more likely to listen to genres associated with the lower demographic groups



People from different geographic locations with different lifestyles may listen to different genres of music. An example of this may be that people from areas of England such as Chelsea would be more likely to have lifestyles that listen to genres more associated with the higher demographic groups whereas people from areas such as Yorkshire would have lifestyles that would make them more likely to listen to genres associated with the lower demographic groups.

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